Determination of glycemic index and glycemic load of typical northeastern preparations / Determinação de índice glicêmico e carga glicêmica de preparações típicas do Nordeste


  • Leandro da Silva Duarte Brazilian Journals Publicações de Periódicos, São José dos Pinhais, Paraná
  • Yasmin Neres Macedo
  • Michelle Christine Oliveira de Souza
  • Deusilene Rocha Cerqueira
  • Guilherme Falcão Mendes
  • Daniela de Araújo Medeiros Dias



Glycemic index, Glycemicload, Regional cooking, Northeast.


Introduction: One of the important factors for a normal healthy diet is the glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (CG) of foods, since diets with inadequate GI and CG seem to be directly related to the increase in the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases. Objective: To determine the GI and CG of three typical Northeastern preparations. Methodology: An experimental, quantitative, descriptive and analytical study was carried out. The sample size was convenience (n=10), however, considering the recommendations of the FAO / WHO Expert Consultation (1998). For the determination of GI and CG, an adaptation of the FAO / WHO Expert Consultation protocol (1998), which consisted in the standardization of a 50 g portion of the tested preparations, but considering a minimum of 25 g of glycemic carbohydrate. The volunteers were fasted for 10 hours the night before the samples and had capillary glycemia measured at the intervals of 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 minutes after consumption of the standard food and the proposed preparations, taken from the "Brazilian Regional Food Guide" of the Ministry of Health (2015), being tapioca with maracuja jelly, seriguela cake and macaxeira bread. Results: Tapioca preparations with passionfruit jelly, seriguela cake and macaxeira bread presented high glycemic index and glycemic load, as evidenced in the analyzes performed. Conclusion: The objective of this work was reached, since the GI and CG of the three proposed preparations were determined, contributing to the expansion of nutritional information and supporting the idea of food and nutritional education.


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How to Cite

Duarte, L. da S., Macedo, Y. N., Souza, M. C. O. de, Cerqueira, D. R., Mendes, G. F., & Dias, D. de A. M. (2021). Determination of glycemic index and glycemic load of typical northeastern preparations / Determinação de índice glicêmico e carga glicêmica de preparações típicas do Nordeste. Brazilian Journal of Development, 7(8), 76416–76432.



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