Teaching function using questioning and clarifying features


  • Nila Kartika Sari
  • Kardiana Metha Rozhana
  • Firsta Bagus Sugiharto




functions, reciprocal teaching, questioning, clarifying


This study aims to determine how effective learning in students using questioning and clarifying sharpening through reciprocal teaching on function material. The initial stage of the research, students are formed into small groups that will ask and clarify the problems given. Then, the results will be displayed in class and responded to each other between groups. The final results of the research obtained learning procedures with questioning and clarifying features, namely how students ask and how students clarify questions in their small groups and large groups (class) on polynomial functions. A good impact for students is an increase in student learning outcomes, namely 86.7% of students are able to get a score of more than or equal to 75.


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How to Cite

Sari, N. K., Rozhana, K. M., & Sugiharto, F. B. (2024). Teaching function using questioning and clarifying features. Brazilian Journal of Development, 10(3), e68052. https://doi.org/10.34117/bjdv10n3-044



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