Analysis of the use of polymeric composite obtained from fabric flaps / Análise do uso de compósito polimérico obtido a partir de abas de tecido


  • Cícero Goulart Munhoz Brazilian Journals Publicações de Periódicos, São José dos Pinhais, Paraná
  • Michel Pimentel Poletto
  • Lucinara de Souza Linck
  • Pedro Roque Giehl
  • José de Souza



Fabric flaps, Toys, Recycling.


This research has for its objectives obtaining a polymeric composite from fabric flaps (fabric leftovers), that most of the times do not receive the proper discard, what becomes a problem since Brazil produces annually tons of fabrics and cloth pieces, and since there is no adequate regulation for this sort of solid residue, allowing improper discard. The methods used in this essay consists of the obtention of a polymeric composite for the elaboration of an educational instrument. The fabric flaps were superimposed and, to them, added an emulsion of polyvinyl acetate - PVA, a polymer adhesive, insoluble in water, and not toxic. For obtaining the material, was made a box out of SAE 1020 steel, which permits compressing the material for then insert it in a 100º C furnace to grant complete drying, then introduce the material into a hat press. After obtaining the composite in the form of a plate, a geometry shaped puzzle was made from the polymeric material. This toy was elaborated with the assist of the Fundação Liberato's educators. The material obtained shows its proper characteristics, which are good, and the toy is ready for the use of children.


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How to Cite

Munhoz, C. G., Poletto, M. P., Linck, L. de S., Giehl, P. R., & Souza, J. de. (2020). Analysis of the use of polymeric composite obtained from fabric flaps / Análise do uso de compósito polimérico obtido a partir de abas de tecido. Brazilian Journal of Development, 6(12).



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