Strengthening teaching, research and university extension through Academic Leagues / Fortalecimento do ensino, pesquisa e extensão universitária por meio das Ligas Acadêmicas


  • Fernanda Batista Oliveira Santos Brazilian Journals Publicações de Periódicos, São José dos Pinhais, Paraná
  • Fernanda Alves dos Santos Carregal
  • Rafaela Siqueira Costa Schreck
  • Thiago Frederico Diniz
  • Andréia Guerra Siman
  • Luciene Muniz Braga
  • Fernanda Penido Matozinhos
  • Jaqueline Almeida Guimarães Barbosa



Professional Training, Health Promotion, Education.


Background: Academic Leagues are student organizations that, under the guidance of professors, carry out activities of teaching, research and university extension in a specific area of health, expanding the action horizons. In this context, the Academic League of Community Health (LASC) is noteable as a powerful tool for collective growth, favoring the emergence of a critical reflective point of view and the training of future competent professionals, committed to care integrality. It has a multidisciplinary team composed by academics of the nursing, biomedicine and medicine courses. Objective: report on the activities carried out by the academic league of community health and its relationship with the university triad. Methods:  The report of the activities required by academics from the Coordination of Extension of the teaching institution to which the league is bound, between November 2016 and October 2018 was used. It was observed that the activities carried out in the academic league allowed its members to deal with issues related to community health (teaching), participate in projects of scientific initiation (research) and promote actions outside the Community (extension). In this way, the acquisition of knowledge related to education in health was given, and skills in the area were developed. Results: After an analysis of the records of the activities of the academic league, the progress concerning scientific production was noted: 2016 with five abstracts published in events annals (15.1%), 2017 with sixteen (48.5%) and 2018 with twelve (36.4%). The evolution of academic production is a result of the implementation of research meetings that encourage the spread of the participants' scientific knowledge. In addition, there was implementation of extending actions in a multidisciplinary team with an emphasis in situations that afflict the community. Conclusions: The insertion of the academic league offers benefits to both the training of students as well as to the local and regional population in which it is inserted, favoring the consolidation of the university triad. Through its activities, the LASC provides the deepening of knowledge related to community health, besides enabling the development of key competences in health among the participating students.

Strengthening teaching, research and university extension through Academic Leagues


Fortalecimento do ensino, pesquisa e extensão universitária por meio das Ligas Acadêmicas


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Como Citar

SANTOS, F. B. O.; CARREGAL, F. A. dos S.; SCHRECK, R. S. C.; DINIZ, T. F.; SIMAN, A. G.; BRAGA, L. M.; MATOZINHOS, F. P.; BARBOSA, J. A. G. Strengthening teaching, research and university extension through Academic Leagues / Fortalecimento do ensino, pesquisa e extensão universitária por meio das Ligas Acadêmicas. Brazilian Journal of Health Review, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 3439–3447, 2020. DOI: 10.34119/bjhrv3n2-175. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 maio. 2024.


